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Packed M11 bluetooth headset
Packed M11 bluetooth headset
Completely intelligent
Single ear
✅ High quality of conversation and music
✅ Has a powerful battery
Wholesale and retail sales with special discounts!
The address of the first branch: Herat-Jabriel-12 meters government clinic-Azadi 5-in front of Golbahar Center-Khorshid Market-Shop No. 21
The address of the second branch: Herat-12th district-Haji Abbas neighborhood-the last car stop-Asia Rooz mobile and computer store.
Delivery service to your door is completely free!
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Product Description
Packed M11 bluetooth headset
Completely intelligent
Single ear
✅ High quality of conversation and music
✅ Has a powerful battery
Wholesale and retail sales with special discounts!
The address of the first branch: Herat-Jabriel-12 meters government clinic-Azadi 5-in front of Golbahar Center-Khorshid Market-Shop No. 21
The address of the second branch: Herat-12th district-Haji Abbas neighborhood-the last car stop-Asia Rooz mobile and computer store.
Delivery service to your door is completely free!
Vendor Information
- Store Name: Wholesale Asiarose Mobile Accessories
- Vendor: Wholesale Asiarose Mobile Accessories
- Address: 12th Neighborhood-Haji Abbas Neighborhood-Last Station of Cars